Happy Easter, have you got enough dough?

My Five Romances

Hello, it’s Easter and all around the world a lot of baking and cooking has been done in preparation. Even Bernardo has been busy in the kitchen, dunking tea bags in hot water. Those cultures that celebrate Easter probably have their own peculiar ways of doing it. In the Portuguese-speaking countries you will probably be offered massa sovada (which translates as kneaded dough, massa being the word for dough). It is a sweetbread. Like many Portuguese cakes and pastries, it has heaps of sugar and lots of egg in it. Some flour too, I would guess. If you want to know more just Google massa sovada and some recipes will pop up. A good Portuguese cook that I know (que se chama Maria) adds a nice touch – she boils eggs in water and cochineal (which, as I have just discovered by looking up that word…

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