Why You Should Learn… German, French & Italian

The above was the last item in The Well-Travelled Postcard’s series on which languages you should learn. Since Portuguese and Spanish had already made the list (along with Mandarin; English; Arabic; Hindi, Bengali or Punjabi: Russian; and Japanese, I was pleased to see French and Italian sneak in at the last minute. That’s four of my five Romances on the list. (Learning a dozen-odd languages is not too much to ask, is it?) The worldwide demand for my fifth Romance, Romanian, is understandably quite small, but as you will notice in my blog, if you are studying or familiar with at least one of the other Romance languages, Romanian won’t seem so strange. Sometimes. At other times it will seem very strange. Persevere!

The Well-Travelled Postcard

Castle Neuschwanstein in Germany

             Having completed the series and profiled all of the top 10 most spoken languages in the world, here’s my final post on your three most popular European Languages to learn, according to the poll I placed on the other posts. 198 votes were cast and five other languages that weren’t included in the poll received a vote each: Dutch, Swahili, Mongolian, Albanian and Korean. Click on the image below to go to the website that allows you to interact with the bubbles and see the exact percentages for each language.

Results of the languages you voted for

Update (24th August 2013): Since I wrote this post back in April, there have been a total of 533 votes! French, German and Italian are still the most popular languages to learn outside the top 10, after that comes Korean with 6 votes and the following languages have received 1 vote each: Filipino, Greek, Telugu, Tagalog, Thai, Hebrew, Urdu…

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1 thought on “Why You Should Learn… German, French & Italian

  1. Pingback: Learning Romanian; Romanian 101 | peaceandhonestlife

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